Preserve America Shop
Knocking Down Issues
Support the Joe Gotta Go Tour mission through purchasing an Official Joe Gotta Go Bundle, sponsoring a SLAC Roundtable, or contribute towards the SLAC Preserve America Rally 2024.
Preserve America Joe Gotta Go Bundle
The bundle assists with the daily operation cost of the tour and includes a T-shirt, Cap, and 3×5 Flag. Additionally, we will announce national Joe Gotta Go days, asking everyone to wear or post images of their mech!

Sista’s Learning About Conservatives (SLAC) roundtables are safe spaces to educate Sista’s on the importance of policy, home ownership, voting, and protecting their children. A Sista hosts SLAC Roundtables with up to ten Sista’s in attendance. Joe Gotta Go Tour compensates the hosts and covers the cost of each attendee meal. The roundtables take place in the host’s home or at a restaurant. It typically lasts about an hour.

SLAC Preserve America Rally 2024
SLAC Preserve America Rally is an event to celebrate 50,0000 SLAC participants from Georgia and other urban cores who have said enough is enough with incompetent schools, crime-ridden communities, and yes to opportunities.