News & Updates
Campaign Updates and Resources
Check out some general information and latest news and highlights from the tour.
We’ll Be In Your Neighborhood!
Join us on the Joe Gotta Go Tour, a transformative movement dedicated to engaging sistas and supporting conservative values. Our tour provides a platform for communities to come together, learn, and take action. Through Joe Gotta Go Rallies and Joe Gotta Go Round...
Learn about SLAC
What is SLAC? SLAC, Sistas Learning About Conservatives, is a community of women who are expanding their awareness about the political landscape and empowered to support causes through discussions and programs designed to create awareness of national issues while...
Want to Get Involved?
We welcome Americans of all ages, from 16 to 80+, who are passionate about preserving America and supporting the Joe Gotta Go Tour. There are numerous ways you can get involved and make a positive impact: 1.) Request a Visit: If you want the Joe Gotta Go Tour to come...